How To Setup Google Ads Remarketing Step-by-Step (The Ultimate Guide)

How To Setup Google Ads Remarketing Step-by-Step (The Ultimate Guide)
Welcome to Google Ads Remarketing. Super excited to share this with you. This is a fantastic tool that you can add to your Google Ads Campaigns.
You may be asking what exactly is Remarketing? People still get confused by this sometimes and confuse it with Remarketing and Retargeting, but they are exactly the same thing.
Retargeting used to refer to the ads that follow you around, while Remarketing was about reengaging customers via email, but now that terms are used interchangeably.
So Remarketing can be defined as any time you're marketing to someone who has seen your brand before. It's a great way to advertise to people who have previously visited your site.
Download the PDF that goes with this video for full step-by-step instructions on setting up remarketing for your business: 


P.S. What If You Could Create Ad Campaigns That Actually Work - So  You Can Get More Leads For Your Business?

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Phil Adair Online Marketing

Suite 12, 5th Floor, Dymocks Building

428 George Street, Sydney 2000, NSW, Australia

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About Phil

Phil Adair is the host of one of the most downloaded online marketing podcasts on the internet. (Go here to subscribe and listen to The Online Marketing Strategies Podcast.)

Read his inspiring bio now. 


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