I can hear a few of you freaking out going; this is looking complicated already, though it needs to be done. It's not complicated. I am going to walk you through it, and it is essential. It is known as Google Analytics tracking and you simply must install it into your web site.
It's a little piece of code; your web developer, your web guru, or your I.T. guy will know exactly what to do. Get your web designer to install tracking on your site, just a must-do, no questions asked.
Once Google Analytics tracking is installed, it will tell you everything you need to know about your site's effectiveness, and without this knowledge, you're simply on the road to nowhere.
Among other things it’s going to tell you who your visitors are, where they arrived from, what pages are being visited the most frequently, the length of time visitors stay on each page, and how quickly they leave your page, and really how can you measure a website success without knowing the behaviour of your visitors?
It all boils down to user experience and without tracking; you will never know where you need to improve. Now, success on a designated page is often referred to as a conversion, and a conversion is a word that is used frequently in online marketing. It can be really simply defined in one sentence and that sentence is simply this:
“It's the process of changing or causing something to change from one form to another.”
An example of a conversion could be:
Google Analytics tracking allows you to measure all of these. To access, your Google Analytics tracking code. We log into your Google Analytics account and click admin in the upper right-hand side of the page. Select the appropriate account and property, and then click tracking info in the middle column labeled property.
Just see where I've got the arrow pointing there, and then we click tracking code under the tracking info. And this accesses the website tracking code which we use to install on your website, so you can see the code there.
Just copy and paste that code, including the word script and the word script at the footer of the code. And this is it. You send that code, email it to your web designer, tell them to install it on every page of your website.
This is not designed; this lesson to bog you down, but this is really an essential install - knowing your site's behaviour. You will really be able to see new users, returning users, as mentioned, really all users who visited a page of your site and what action, if any, they took.
You'll be able to see the number of sessions. You can target users based on traffic sources, where they came from, Facebook, SEO, email, which browser they used, whether it was Safari, Firefox, or Google Chrome.
You can see where they've come from, which continent, which country, which region, which city, and this is a bit of an honesty tip, but I would rather stick pins in my eyes than harp on to you about installing Google Analytics tracking. It can be complicated at the start to understand the data you will now have available to you.
Your quick action summary and key points here in. The goal here is to take advantage of Google Analytics. This is powerful code that will tell you everything you need to know about your website's behaviour.
Review your data regularly to improve your results, and it will give you the ability to slice and dice your data and review it any way you like.
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Phil Adair is the host of one of the most downloaded online marketing podcasts on the internet. (Go here to subscribe and listen to The Online Marketing Strategies Podcast.)
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