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How To Setup Google Ads Remarketing Step-by-Step (The Ultimate Guide)


Google Remarketing for Google Remarketing Ads. The Ultimate Guide

Google Ads Remarketing lets you place Google Remarketing Ads in front of your existing website visitors. Install the Google remarketing tag on your site first.

How To Setup Google Ads Remarketing Step-by-Step (The Ultimate Guide)

Welcome to Google Ads Remarketing. Super excited to share this with you. This is a fantastic tool that you can add to your Google Ads Campaigns.
You may be asking what exactly is Remarketing? People still get confused by this sometimes and confuse it with Remarketing and Retargeting, but they are exactly the same thing.
Retargeting used to refer to the ads that follow you around, while Remarketing was about reengaging customers via email, but now that terms are used interchangeably.
So Remarketing can be defined as any time you're marketing to someone who has seen your brand before. It's a great way to advertise to people who have previously visited your site.

The way that it works is that a prospect or an existing customer visits your website. The visitor then leaves and continues to surf the web. Then the visitor starts seeing ads for your business. Branding starts to work as your ads are now being viewed around the web, which brings potential customers back to your site.


Let's look at some of the benefits of remarketing. Well, the first thing that it does is that it helps you reengage those lost customers. You improve your return on investment by presenting your visitors with highly relevant ads and it shows visitors ads for your business as they serve across the web.
Remarketing really keeps you in front of your potential clients as they contemplate whether or not to buy your product or your service. And remarketing your ads can also make you appear like a bigger fish in your market. It helps your brand gain visibility across all the partner sites on the Google display network or GDN, as it's often called.

Download the PDF that goes with this video for full step-by-step instructions on setting up remarketing for your business: 

Remarketing also brings window shoppers back and increases online sales and it really just is a fantastic chance to interact with your clients. And if we look at this slide here, why you need to use remarketing?
Well, the average person has to visit a site 9.5 times before they'll make a purchase and 96% of site visitors leave before converting. And remarketing brings those people back performing three times better than non-personalised ads. Most likely you have already been followed around by sites you've previously visited. So why not put your brand or business in front of your audience?
In this first example above,  the web user has looked at Auto Trader and you can see from the example here going on to a different website, and they're now starting to see ads for the car that they were looking at on Auto Trader. A good first example of remarketing.
Here we have Rolling Stone magazine showing Google Ads. Start advertising your business on Google. So Google are in the game of remarketing as well. 
At Huffington Post Australia there's an ad for an HSBC Platinum Qantas credit card. Again, someone has clicked on the Qantas site perhaps and is now being targeted by either Qantas or HSBC for a new credit card.
Tag Heuer on the New York Times site, and these could be placed ads, or they could be targeted from someone who visited a Tag Heuer site or Tag Heuer affiliate.
Here we have the World Surf League and win the Ultimate Hawaii Surf experience banner ad showing there on the World Surf League site. Here is the LA Times and an ad for AAMI Life Insurance. And you can see the ad that's circled there, which is a banner ad. Different style of banner ad though again appearing on the Los Angeles Times website.
Once again, you can see how retargeting can put your brand literally all over the Internet if you set it up correctly. And we're going to do just that. So let's just do a quick recap here so you fully understand how remarketing works.
Remarketing, as we said, is a cookie based technology that uses a simple piece of javascript code to anonymously follow your audience all over the web. Essentially it works by keeping track of people who have visited your site.
To set it up, you or your web developer places a small piece of unobtrusive code on your website. And now every time a new visitor comes to your site, that code drops the browser cookie. And later when your visitor is browsing the web, they start to see your ads.
Okay, so let's start by adding the remarketing code to your website. One of the best things about Google ads is they are constantly innovating their ad products. You are not limited to Standard Display Retargeting ads on the Google display network. There are a variety of ad formats you can use to reach people after they visit your website, visit your mobile app or fill out one of your online forms.
Download the PDF that goes with this video for full step-by-step instructions on setting up remarketing for your business: 


P.S. What If You Could Create Ad Campaigns That Actually Work - So  You Can Get More Leads For Your Business?

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Phil Adair Online Marketing

Suite 12, 5th Floor, Dymocks Building

428 George Street, Sydney 2000, NSW, Australia

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About Phil

Phil Adair is the host of one of the most downloaded online marketing podcasts on the internet. (Go here to subscribe and listen to The Online Marketing Strategies Podcast.)

Read his inspiring bio now. 


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