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FaceBook Audience Targeting [The Ultimate Guide For Facebook Ads]


Facebook Audience Insights 

Shaping Your Facebook Audience Targeting

Facebook Audience Insights is a tool designed to help marketers learn more about their target audiences, including aggregate information about geography, demographics, purchase behaviour and more.

Is Facebook audience insights free?

Facebook Audience Insights is one of the most powerful analytical tools at your disposal -- that is, if you know how to use it. Accessed through Facebook Ads Manager, Audience Insights is free to use and provides a huge amount of demographic and behavioural data about your audience and that of your competitors

How do I get to Facebook audience insights?

To access Facebook Audience Insights, click on the main menu in the top left anywhere inside the Facebook Ads Manager. Then under the "Plan" column, choose "Audience Insights." You can also type facebook.com/ads/audience-insights in your browser to go there directly

How do you target the right audience?

How to Reach the Right Audience with Digital Marketing
  1. Learn What's Important to Your Audience.
  2. Speak Your Audience's Language.
  3. Know Your Organic Keywords.
  4. Stay Top of Mind with Retargeting.


Facebook Targeting Inside Your Facebook Ads Console

By doing this, you will be able to put your ads in front of the potential customers out there who are going to be most interested in your brand or your product.

Now, if you haven't already installed the Facebook pixel on your own website, there is a link directly below this video, which gives you step by step instructions on exactly how to do that. Let's get underway.



Facebook Audience Targeting

Now, Facebook is much more targeted than you might realise. Businesses can target users with Facebook Ads, by location, demographics, age, gender interests, behaviour, and connections. But Facebook can also help you get in front of specific and often really motivated segments of your audience with some powerful ad targeting options. We are going to cover all of them.



Facebook Purchase

Here are some of the things that you can do. You can tap into recent purchase behaviour. You can get creative with life event targeting. You can use custom audiences to nurture leads and build loyalty. We can create audiences that look like your own targets, which are known as lookalike audiences, and we can also lay our targeting options to get super granular with your targeting. I can't stress enough how important it is that you really become a student of Facebook Ad targeting.



Facebook Audience

Let's talk about finding your ideal customer on Facebook. It's really important to understand who your customers are. We're going to walk through some tools within Facebook itself that will help you find your customers help you better understand your customers.



Facebook Audience Targeting

You really want to learn who these people are because it's a lot easier to write effective marketing. It's a lot easier to really think through your targeting. It's just a lot easier to do everything really. When you're thinking about that one person who is your ideal customer.

Remember just like anything else, you've got to experiment with different targeting groups to find the one that's really going to convert for you.



Facebook Fan

I also want you to think beyond your niche, just because you might be, let's say in the fitness space, there might be a really great audience just outside the fitness space. They would still be perfect to target. So thinking outside your niche is important. Also keeping it simple. In the beginning maybe you just want to target your own Facebook fans and maybe just a few other pages.



That's a good start. We're going to track very closely. I want you to watch your ads and find out which pages are converting the best, which pages are attracting the most leads at the best price. Once you've built a really solid list of a few pages that you can target, then you can really focus your ad dollars where it matters.


If you spread yourself too thinly, you'll never be able to really hone in on the pages that have that perfect ideal audience for your free giveaways and your offers. There are endless options for targeting on Facebook. The great thing about having all those options is they allow you to zero in on a very specific market or niche while Facebook optimises the ads and audiences for you.

Facebook Audience Insights Tool

The tool that does this for you is the Facebook audience insights tool, Facebook, as we already know, collects an incredible amount of information, and they make it available to us and what you can do here is just astounding. Let's have a look at the actual power of the Facebook audience insights tool, go www.business.facebook.com and then click on "audience insights."


This is just an incredible treasure trove of information and that's fantastic for any kind of research you need to do on your targeted audience.The good news is as a marketer Facebook allows you to access an incredible amount of information. One way is to find Facebook pages and groups that are related to your niche.


As you probably know, if you've been on Facebook for any period of time, you know that Facebook has a lot of groups and they have a lot of fan pages, and they have great communities of people, some private and some public creating your audience.


Creating Your Audience

There are more drill downs available on your audience, and you can specify by relationship status, education level, job title, job category, market segment, whether the audience member is a parent, and how old their children are, political leanings, and any life events they are currently undergoing. However, the more you filter your ad, the smaller your demographic result will be.



Once you have defined your audience, there are four basic tabs here where you can view information about them. The "Demographics" tab covers age, education level, relationship, status, and job title.





Facebook Location Settings

The "Location" tab has details where the audience lives broken down by city and country.



Facebook Activity

The "Activity" tab covers how the audience members use Facebook, how often they share posts, what kind of devices they use to access Facebook and so forth.


 Facebook Page Likes

The "Page Likes" tab breaks down the most popular pages for members of the audience and dozens of different categories ranging from office supplies to TV shows.

So, the more you know about your users, the better you can target them with content tailored to their preferences, and the end result is more engagement on your ads and a much better return on investment.



Now, the more of these data points or layers you use to refine your audience, the smaller it will become. However, your campaign will be much more targeted to a specific user. As long as you don't jump the gun and add too many layers before having some data to back up doing. So this could be beneficial in a few different ways.



For instance, your ad spend should be lower because you're targeting a smaller audience and not driving unqualified engagements. And basically this helps lower your "cost per action" or CPA.

Not only that, it also helps you expand your successful audiences. So even if you've found an audience that works well for you, you can use audience insights to find more related interests and topics to help you scale your campaign.


 Facebook Targeting

Let's talk about your Facebook fans and targeting options. So your first targeting groups should always be your own Facebook fans. And the reason being is that it's really inexpensive to target your own Facebook fans.


Essentially, Facebook is rewarding you here. They're saying, hey, you've already attracted those fans to your page, so if you want to market to them, we're not going to charge you as much as we might if you are marketing to an entirely new cold audience that doesn't really know who you are just yet. So, when you target a warm audience on Facebook, like your Facebook fans, you typically pay a whole lot less for the conversions.


It's just less expensive to target those fans versus a cold audience. Just a reminder, you target your own Facebook fans and all your targeting for that matter at the ad set level. You can click "Add A Connection Type," and from there you are going to target people who like your page, and you are going to type in the name of your page, and as you start typing in the name of your page, it will pop up.



Just to remember though, you can't type in the name of a page that you're not an admin of. Only your pages are going to pop up here, and this is how you target your own Facebook fans inside of an ad set.


Now let's look at fans of other Facebook pages and the targeting options. Targeting fans of other Facebook pages. This is a great way to target because it's incredibly powerful. Essentially you can show your ads to fans of other Facebook pages.



Facebook Competitors

You can also run your ad and target your competitors Facebook page so that all of their fans are seeing your ad, or you can even get a little more creative and think of who has a page that is really aligned with what you're offering. As an example... as you know, I have a lead magnet giveaway, my eBook that shows people how to get started with list building. And I could put an ad out in front of all of the fans of my competitor's Facebook pages.


I could even get a little more creative and target pages of email marketing companies like MailChimp and Drip.com for example, and these are pages that are attracting people who are either the customers of their email marketing tool or interested in buying the tool. Now, I don't have an email marketing tool to sell, so they're not actually my competitors.


However, if someone's going to follow a Facebook page all about an email marketing tool like MailChimp, or like Drip.com, then they are likely thinking about list building as well. That's where the alignment comes in. So my point here is to think beyond your competitors, get really creative.



 Create Facebook Audience

If you then go back to "Create Audience" and scroll down, look for "Connections," and you can type in the name of your Facebook page. And just to remind you again, remember you target other Facebook pages at the ad set level, the same place you would target your own Facebook fans.

 Facebook Audience Targeting Tool

And also at the ad set level, you scroll down, you go to "detailed targeting" and that's where you would type in whoever you want to target. Remember, just because they show up in "Audience Insights" to give you some ideas and inspiration doesn't mean they're always going to pop up here under detailed targeting.



I suggest you create a Google Doc to track all of your targeting or an Evernote or whichever tool that you prefer to use, and essentially make a list of all the pages you want to target.



Start making notes on who you are targeting, what works and what doesn't work. Also make a note about pages that you're searching for that actually won't pop up in targeting. Let a little time go by and try those pages that you're keen to target again, a little bit later on down the track. Let me know how you're getting on with setting up your own custom audiences inside the Facebook ads console. 



What Is the Facebook Pixel To Begin With? 

The Facebook pixel is a piece of code you place on the backend of your website to track visitors to your site.

The pixel allows you to run highly targeted campaigns, so it's important to install it before running Facebook ads. Each ad account gets one default pixel to use.

The code is made up of two main parts: the pixel base code and event code. The pixel base code tracks all of the traffic to your site. 

Download The Step-By-Step Guide To Your Facebook Pixel Success Here.



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Phil Adair Online Marketing

Suite 12, 5th Floor, Dymocks Building

428 George Street, Sydney 2000, NSW, Australia

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About Phil

Phil Adair is the host of one of the most downloaded online marketing podcasts on the internet. (Go here to subscribe and listen to The Online Marketing Strategies Podcast.)

Read his inspiring bio now. 


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